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Nov 6, 2013

Upfront magazine: how much power dose the president really have?

As you know, or think you know, the president is in charge. Right? Wrong! The president can actually do so much. Ya, know you think that " oh, he can fix taxes" or " but he can fix the economy" but no. The presidents decisions are all based upon the constitution.

The president may choose to send people to somewhere for war, but only the constitution can really declare war. The president must work with the constitution to get anything done. You must think, why doesn't the constitution take over as the leader of our country? Well, I don't know why, but I can tell you that the democrats only have 52 seats out of 100 in the house of the representatives. And also the republicans have 234 out of the 435 seats I'm the senate and republicans. So ask your self this. How much power does the president really have?